Debye- Hückel Theory of Electrolytes
Debye- Hückel
Theory of Electrolytes
i) Electrolytes
are completely dissociated into ions into solutions
ii) The
solutions are dilute, with a concentration of 0.01 m or lower
iii) on average,
each ion is surrounded by ions of opposite charge, forming an ionic atmosphere.
Because γ+ nor
γ- could be measured directly, the final result is expressed in terms of the
mean ionic activity coefficient of the electrolyte as follows
logγ± = -0.509 z+z_√I
This equation is
known as the Debye-Hückel limiting law
where signs denote the magnitude but not the
signs of the product z+z-.
The quantity I
called the ionic strength, is defined as follows
where mi and zi
are the molality and charge of the ith ion in the electrolyte respectively
Exercise 6
Calculate the
mean activity coefficient (γ±) of a 0.01m aqueous solution of CuSO4
at 298K.
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