
Showing posts from May, 2016

Scheme of Work Teachers (SOW)

Below is a sample of scheme of work that teachers can use This format only serves as a guide to teachers when writing schemes of work but a teacher can still add other columns with regard to his/her specification. "To be good is to be noble but to teach others how to be good is a nobler idea" Enjoy teaching teachers

The nature of the content of Biology syllabus in Kenya

The nature of the content of the current secondary school biology syllabus . Introduction  The 8.4.4 Biology syllabus was launched in 1986 and became operational immediately. The current 8.4.4 Biology syllabus was revised in 2003. The content of the current biology syllabus has the following features; It is organized using linear approach This is where the teacher ensure that the learner have gotten the content of the previous topic before proceeding to the next topic. In linear approach, the sequence of learning events is determined by the instructional designer rather than the learner. The content of the current Biology syllabus in Kenya is designed by the Kenya Institute of curriculum Development, using the linear approach. 2. It includes A-levels aspects of; genetics, physiological proceses, taxonomy, chemicals of life and ecology However the syllabus does not include a detailed analysis of the same topics. The topics were included to give learners the basic know...

Female copperhead snake can reproduce both sexually and asexually

Female copperhead snakes have the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually. In your opinion which method is best for species and why? Introduction Studies reveal that wild female snakes can give birth to viable offspring without contact with their male counterparts and therefore disclaiming the belief that asexual reproduction can only take place in invertebrates. Reproduction is the process where a living organism gave rise to another living organism (offspring) of the same species. There are two types of reproduction: asexual and sexual in female copperhead snake and hence classified as facultative parthenogenetic species . Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction is the process where a living organism gives rise to an offspring without fusion of gametes. Research has established that copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) do not always require a partner to reproduce. Thus is a situation known as parthenogenesis. In female copperhead snake, parthenogenesis...

Role of Chemistry in the Society

Roles of Chemistry in the Society Introduction Chemistry is a science that embrace the concept of creation of molecules and the manipulation of atoms and dealing with microscopic and nanoscopic scales. It covers interactions with plants, animals through agriculture, biology and medicine and with physical world through electronics, new building materials and new sources of energy. Everything that we hear, smell, see, taste and touch involves chemistry and chemicals. The knowledge of chemistry in society is therefore important because; Chemistry is vital to our society because it impacts us on the knowledge of good health and maintenance of it. When applying to study medicine, applicants are expected to have thorough knowledge of chemistry before even beginning their degree. Chemistry is vital for the study and development of medicine as it allows to find out how illness and diseases can be cured with minimal effects on the patient i.e. it helps to prevent pain and live longer,...

Validity and Reliability of a Test

Validity and Reliability of a Test    Introduction   An important part of social science research is the quantification of human behavior that is, using measurement instruments to observe human behavior. The measurement of human behavior belongs to the widely accepted positivist view, or empirical-analytic approach, to discern reality. Because most behavioral research takes place within this paradigm, measurement instruments must be valid and reliable. Reliability Reliability is the extent to which measurements are repeatable –when different persons perform the measurements, on different occasions, under different conditions, with supposedly alternative instruments which measure the same thing. In sum, reliability is consistency of measurement (Bollen, 1989), or stability of measurement over a variety of conditions in which basically the same results should be obtained. Methods of testing reliability   Because reliability is consistency of meas...